2024 Whitetail Season Summary

I want to start with thanking all of my Friends/Customers that passed up some incredible deer this year, so we can “Watch Them Grow”. We know what our lease can produce, if we just give these bucks a chance to grow up.This lease has produced several bucks in the 180 to 200 inch class over the years…as a matter of “Interest” we took a 170 inch buck in 2021 and a 173 inch typical in 2022 followed by a 189 inch typical in 2023!!  You can easily see where the numbers are going here. We are now going into our 7th year of Trophy management, and we are certainly starting to see the results, although we have been slowed down a bit by Mother Nature. (She is being VERY kind to us so far this year, we only have 8 inches of snow on the ground and December is almost gone!! This is a huge win for our deer herd).

If you take a few minutes to go through the drop box (link attached below) that shows some of the Bucks that we left on our lease this year, I think you will agree that we are going to have a lot of GREAT deer to chase in 2025. When you are going through the “Survivors” pictures, keep in mind that most of our bucks will add between 10 to 15 inches of antler every year…But also keep in mind some of them have added 35 to 50 inches, given the right conditions and genetics. These are not stories, or wishes…these are facts, we have witnessed it over and over….and we are going to see it in some of these bucks in 2025!!!

As I sit back and reflect on our 2024 Whitetail season I feel that it was a success. Now some of you might be thinking, “Greg”.. how can you say it was a success when we didn’t kill a bunch of bucks? That is exactly the reason that our season was a success, because we did not kill a bunch of the “Little” 135 to 140 inch bucks…These bucks will be 150 to 160 inch deer in 2025!!! These are the deer that we want to be hunting with you, we have done the hard part, we have given our deer a chance to grow old enough to be the kind of bucks that we all dream of hunting…Now we can “Reap” the rewards of our work and “Patience”. 

Our average score on our bucks over our minimum score in 2024 was 150 inches, we are going to move this number up to 155-160 in 2025. In a few short years we have moved the average score up from a very meek 132, when we took over the reins at Chaparral, there was not much left on the lease in the way of mature bucks….We had a very Steep hill to climb to get our deer herd back in shape. With the help of our “Serious and Dedicated” Trophy deer hunting friends/clients, we have turned it around. As I’ve always said there is no secret to growing big deer, the only thing they need is “TIME”…I don’t like to repeat myself…But, If we look at our 2024 survivors dropbox I really firmly believe we will have a banner year in 2025. 

2024 Survivors Dropbox

Please click the following link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/e95jzordqnkcahdw1jsu1/AC4zyqSZ246V3fcrpZl-gp4?rlkey=voa6u2w1wnt5d9w3ep85ulqr7&st=t6dr4f4s&dl=0